I love you, sweetheart :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Juggling the Dates

Originally our wedding was set to be December 18th. We were going to have an awesome wintery wedding complete with twinkling white christmas lights and the whole shebang. Then my parents mentioned that it prolly wasn't the best date with Christmas only a week later, about nine December birthdays and the crappy weather (for people who would have to travel to get here) so that idea was out. They said that we should either go for November or January.
Being the impatient couple that we are, we opted for November. So our new date was November 20th.

November 20th. Still Autumn. Not many November birthdays. The week before Thanksgiving (Mike and I would find enough to be thankful for for that holiday *wink wink*) It was great.
Though with the locations (Fathers House and the McClelland Art Center) we were looking at a bill of about $1000

We were sticking with November 20th though. This would give us time to save up as much money as possible, as well as for Mike and I both to find decent jobs with benefits. I wouldn't budge.

Until we learned about my Aunt's parents' property up on Coal Creek that they were willing to let us use for free

*record scratch*

did I just hear free?

Seriously, the most beautiful sound to this somewhat cheap bride-to-be's ears.

So we got together with my parents and discussed budget. Cutting out two months gave us less time to save money (though this would cut $500 out of the bill) and find better jobs. But we were determined. And not too long later we found ourselves in the back of my aunt and uncle's car on the way to scope out the property.

We had set the date for September 18th. This seemed like a pretty harmless date. It was in the middle of September, so it would still be pretty warm. There would be plenty of gorgeous flowers to create my boquet (that was sort of an issue with December and November). It was set. I was excited.

But then when I mentioned to my aunt and uncle that we chose the 18th they told me what my mom had neglected to tell me BEFORE I had posted the date on facebook. They weren't going to be in town that weekend. They had already paid for their camping spot and had planned this thing out with this big group of people for a while. There was no way they would be able to be there if we had it the 18th.


So finally. With much discussing. Much debating. Much figuring. We picked a date. AND THIS ONE IS NOT CHANGING! I don't care if the world wants to end that day. This is it.

September 25th. 2010.
Be there or be

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, the world doesn't end for two more years. ;-)
