I love you, sweetheart :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sparkle sparkle

It used to be traditional to throw rice at the bride and groom as they left the reception or ceremony. Now almost anything goes! Flower petals, blowing bubbles, confetti, shoes (I don't know. old tradition from way back when)

Anyway, my sister had hundreds of little bubbles at her wedding and it made for some really cool footage for their wedding video (that Mr. Awesome shot and put together amazingly). This got Mike and I thinking. What did we want for our send off? We thought of bubbles first just because of how cool they looked at Sam's wedding. Rice or birdseed would be a bit messy. I'd prolly still be finding it in my hair and whatnot for days after the wedding.

But then, both of us, at separate times, mind you, came across one of the coolest ideas we've ever seen.

The idea of sparklers just seems perfect for our wedding. It's not as traditional as some of the other ways to exit and it involves fire! How much more us can you get?

So since yesterday was the fourth of July and there were firework stands EVERYWHERE we went and bought 120 sparklers :)

It's going to amazing :) Plus it goes along with our kind of theme of lights for our reception. We have christmas lights, tiki torches, glow in the dark bracelets and now sparklers!

Have any other ideas for ways we can incorporate light into our reception?

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