I love you, sweetheart :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Proposal

okay. so. yeah. here I go.

So Mike and I came up with a BRILLIANT idea to have a picnic at eleven o clock at night. Cuz we're crazy awesome like that. So we went to safeway and got all the fixins for sandwiches. Then he dropped me off at home and while I made our sandwiches and got everything together, he went to his house and got WHAT I THOUGHT was just his guitar. So we packed things up and drove to the lake to martins dock and spread out our tarp and two blankets. Here's the thing, Mike and I have this crazy ritual kinda thing where we buy scratch lotto tickets for poops and giggles. So after we got done eating our sandwiches and whatnot, I started doing the scratch ticket while I THOUGHT Mike was getting out his guitar but REALLY he was being sneaky. Not too long after I started the scratch card, I hear a phone go off. It was You and Me by Lifehouse (which is mine and mike's song and the song we want our first dance to be) and I was thinking rather annoyed, "who is calling me?". I didn't even think about the fact that that wasn't my ringtone for calls or texts. So I reached behind me and pulled out my old dinosaur phone from between the blankets. I, once again not thinking, didn't even realize that I hadn't seen this phone for over a YEAR, in fact this phone was the reason Mike and I met, but that's a different story ;) so as I tried to think how it could have possibly gotten out there, I opened the phone and saw that it was a text message. This text message said the ever so heart-melting, life changing, tear jerking words "Will you marry me?" I was thinking it was a joke from one of my friends. Haha actually the first thought that came to my mind was "Abby?". So I looked up at Mike and he pulled a ring box out from behind his back and opened it up and asked outloud.

Ladies, I think I win with the best reaction and response in the history of proposals. I stared at the ring for like ten seconds then basically yelled, "Holy crap, dude!" Haha it was funny. Then as my heart was pounding and I shook like a Chihuahua on crack, I managed to say yes in every way shape or form possible (i.e. yes, yeah, uh huh etc.)

And then I took off the rings that resided on that finger. Mike slipped on my beautiful ring and we kissed…a lot

And when I got home and jumped on my sister in her bed and her dog bit me on the nose.

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